1.The six steps to THE BIG 6 are: 
Step 1- task definition Step, 2- information seeking strategies, Step 3- location and access, Step 4- use of information, Step 5- synthesis, and Step 6- evaluation.
2. The BIG 6 is helpful when completing research because if you have like a school project then you can follow this and it can help you remember to try to meet all the expatiation's or in work it can help you do the same thing.
3. This can tie together with what I have learned about evaluating websites, blogs, and wikis because I could use this checklist to review it and make sure it is a good website, blog, or wiki.    
In this wiki I can read it well and the topic is clearly expressed. The Wikipedia style conventions are followed. This article was made in February of 2009 but last updated in November in 2012. The same stuff dose get change or put back on their often. There is no discussion page on this wiki. There is no template message. I would recommend this wiki.
When evaluating a wiki look for a discussion page, the date last updated, the quality of the page, and check the template messages at the top of the article. The disclaimer of a wiki is that they are not always true because anyone can make one and they might not have the right information. The significances of this disclaimer is that anyone can make a wiki even you or me not just companies or rich and/or powerful people.
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CARRDSS stands for C: credibility A: accuracy R: reliability R: relevance D: date S: source behind text S: scope. The differences between CARRDSS and basic are basic just cover 4 things while CARRDSS covers 7 things. CARRDSS covers the more detailed stuff and basic just covers the basic stuff on the site. You know if a website is reliable or not if the author of the site puts his/her name on the site so you know that it is just one person editing the  site. Look at what the sites purpose is like what topic it is about and make sure it is well written like if there is any mistakes. Make sure it looks professional. Also look at when the website was created because if it is an old website than it must have old data but new updated ones then they will have updated information. You also want to look at the where of the website what i mean buy that is like .com witch is a company website same with .org, also there is .gov witch is a government website, there is also .mil is military and .edu is a only a collage or university. You know if you should move on to a new website if it doesn't have the write information that you are looking for. If i had to explain to someone if a website is credible I would use  
Buy an ancestor online is a website that says you can buy your family tree with all your ancestors on it. The website also says that you do not half too higher a geologist too try and find out about your own family history because you can buy it on this website. This site also gives you list of some of the famous ancestors of some people. This website also tells you that they can fix your family tree with just one person that you